And then it all hit me at once… 362 to go

I had a pretty pleasant day. I drove to school, wore my favorite scarf, didn’t fail my calculus test, and sang my favorite song.

And then it hit me all at once. I talked to my dad for a bit about college and how my mom being sick is going to affect that. Then a girl was mean to me at work and then I realized that I don’t have anyone to talk to about this. And what I needed was a hug and a kind word and all I had was my keys and a tube of chapstick.

So I sat in the bathroom and cried.

Maybe I’m losing my mind. I mean, its perfectly possible. But I’m getting to a place where the slightest things depress me and where all I want to do is listen to sad songs about how horribly single and lonely I am while eating Wendy’s French Fries and wallowing in my own exhaustion. I don’t know about you, but I don’t think that that is healthy.

I feel like I don’t know who to talk to. Because who wants to hear about my frustrations over a boy who is acting differently, or a friend who is defensive, or about how my mom being sick is kinda crushing me, or about how the girls at work are jerks, or about my fear for the future, or about how much I miss my friends who are in college? Not most people.

Gosh I’m tired.

I love you so very much.


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